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Cognigy Webchat

Cognigy Webchat is an effective communication tool that assists businesses in interacting with their customers in a seamless manner. Its main function is to facilitate real-time communication through text or voice messages, which aids businesses in providing immediate support, collecting feedback, and engaging with users effectively. Webchat can be easily embedded into websites, enabling visitors to communicate with Conversational AI agents powered by Cognigy.AI.

Cognigy Webchat v3

Who are Cognigy Webchat's Users?

Webchat caters to a wide range of users across various sectors. It is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to enhance customer service, developers seeking customizable solutions, and end users seeking convenient and efficient communication channels. Webchat is adaptable to retail, healthcare, finance, and other industries, making it suitable for any organization aiming to improve customer engagement and streamline communication processes.

Benefits of Cognigy Webchat

Cognigy supports two Webchat versions: v2 and v3 (preview). You can easily switch between the reliable stable version and the innovative preview version to explore new features.

Benefits applicable to both versions:

Free of Charge

The Cognigy Webchat widget is an open-source Webchat component, available free of charge. It offers transparency, flexibility, and opportunities for collaboration and customization. Fork the Cognigy Webchat GitHub repository and implement a custom Webchat version.

User-Friendly Interface and UI Customization

Customizable layouts and responsive design provided by Webchat guarantee a smooth user experience across various devices. Businesses can tailor Webchat to match their branding, enhancing brand identity and user engagement.

Functional Extensibility

Webchat offers a range of plugins, allowing users to extend its functionalities according to their specific requirements.

Conversational Abilities

Powered by AI-driven conversation capabilities and natural language processing (NLP), Webchat supports various interactions, including text and voice messages, enabling natural and engaging conversations.

Rich Media Support

Webchat provides comprehensive support for multimedia content such as images, videos, audios, galleries, and other rich media formats, enhancing communication and user engagement.

Scalability and Performance

Webchat is designed to handle varying volumes of users and messages, ensuring reliability, scalability, and optimal performance, even under high-demand scenarios.

Easy Embedding

Webchat offers easy deployment options and integrates smoothly with existing websites or platforms, minimizing implementation time and effort.


Various support options, including direct support channels, ensure users receive timely assistance and guidance whenever needed.