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Webchat Plugins

Your Webchat can be customized by adding plugins from the plugin collection on GitHub or by creating your own. After that, you need to specify the plugin link in the Webchat Endpoint settings. Then, most plugins should be invoked using a Node in your Flow associated with the Webchat Endpoint.


Plugins suitable for Webchat v2 may not be compatible with Webchat v3.

Add a Plugin from the Collection

To add a plugin from the collection of plugins, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cognigy GitHub repository and select the plugin you want to use.
  2. On the Releases page, copy the plugin URL from the Assets section of the selected plugin. For example, the URL for the Google Firebase Authentication Webchat Plugin is
  3. Go to the Cognigy.AI interface
  4. In the left-side menu, select a Project.
  5. In the left-side Project menu, select Deploy > Endpoints.
  6. Use an existing Endpoint or create a new one:

    6.1 Select the Webchat (v3) Endpoint.
    6.2 In the Webchat v3 Endpoint settings, navigate to the Advanced Settings section.

    6.1 Select the Webchat Endpoint.
    6.2 In the Webchat Endpoint settings, navigate to the Webchat Layout section.

  7. Paste the URL directly into the Webchat Plugin URL field.

  8. Click Save.

Add a Custom Plugin

To use custom plugins in your production environment or modify existing ones, you need to install them manually as follows:

  1. Open the Cognigy GitHub repository.
  2. Clone the source code.
  3. Modify the plugin code as needed.
  4. Build your plugin by running the npm ci && npm run build command.
  5. Upload your plugin to cloud storage, for example, Amazon S3. Ensure that the uploaded plugin is accessible to the target audience. Check the availability settings on your cloud storage side.
  6. Go to the Cognigy.AI interface
  7. In the left-side menu, select a Project.
  8. In the left-side Project menu, select Deploy > Endpoints.
  9. Use an existing Endpoint or create a new one:

    9.1 Select the Webchat (v3) Endpoint.
    9.2 In the Webchat v3 Endpoint settings, navigate to the Advanced Settings section.

    9.1 Select the Webchat Endpoint.
    9.2 In the Webchat Endpoint settings, navigate to the Webchat Layout section.

  10. Paste the URL into the Webchat Plugin URL field. Follow the format, where represents the storage location for your plugin, such as Amazon S3, and plugin is the name of the specific plugin you use. Note that you can upload multiple plugins.

  11. Click Save.

Trigger Plugins

Most plugins, based on Cognigy plugin examples, are activated only when specific data is present in a message. The plugin's code specifies the "match": "plugin-name" condition, which determines when the plugin will be triggered. For example, the "match": "dialog" condition will trigger the plugin when the message contains the word dialog. See the source code.

For instance, consider a plugin that displays images in a chat interface, extracting the URL from the message's data. This plugin has two parameters: match set to inline-image, and url which retrieves the image URL from When Webchat receives a message, it triggers the inline-image plugin if the condition === 'inline-image' is met. Then, the plugin retrieves the image URL from

You can trigger plugins via the following components:

Basic Nodes

In the Node Editor, navigate to the Options section. In the Data field, specify the following JSON to trigger plugin.


  "_plugin": {
    "type": "inline-image",
    "url": ""

Code Node

If you prefer using a Code Node to send a message, you can pass the structured data payload as a second parameter to the actions.output method.


actions. output('' , {
 _plugin: {
   type: "inline-image",
   url: ""


You can build an Extension that sends a message triggering the Webchat plugin, simplifying the process to only include necessary parameters.

Custom module example:

 * Sends an image to the user via webchat
 * @arg {CognigyScript} `url` The url of the image
const sendInlineImage = async (input, args) => {
    const { url } = args;

    // if no url is set
    if (!url) {
        // do nothing
        return input;

    // send a message that triggers the 'inline-image' plugin with a url
    input.actions.output('', {
        _plugin: {
            type: "inline-image",
            url: ""

    return input;

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