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Intent Trainer

One of the characteristics of AI Agents is that they can improve over time. Cognigy.AI provides the ability to tweak Agents based on existing dialogs. This can be done using the Intent Trainer.

The Intent Trainer enables you to analyze the collected user inputs (records) and add them to Intents to improve your AI Agent's user input comprehension. You can decide which user input record improves the Agents intent and then click Add to Intent. Then use the Train button in the top right above the record list to overtake the new intent to the NLU intent list in your Flow. You do not need to execute "Build Model", because the "Train" functionality of the 'Intent Trainer' did already the scoring - you will see that by the indicated scoring data and the color icons in the Intent list.

Intent Trainer with filter options

Export and Import Intent Records

Import Intent Records

To import intent records, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tweak > Intent Trainer.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click vertical-ellipsis > Import Trainer Records.
  3. Select a file in the CTRAIN format from your computer and click Open.

Once the file is uploaded, you will receive a system success message.

Export Intent Records

To export intent records, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tweak > Intent Trainer.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click vertical-ellipsis > Export Trainer Records.
  3. Choose a date range by clicking the date and selecting the desired date in the calendar.
  4. To include reviewed intents to the file, activate Include reviewed.
  5. Click Confirm.
  6. In the new window, click Download Trainer Records.

The file will be downloaded in the CTRAIN format.

Filter Records

You can filter records using the following filters:

Filter Option Description
Snapshot No Snapshot
(list of available Snapshots)
You can select available Snapshots.
Locale Any Locale
(list of available Locales)
You can select a Locale when available.
Intent Any Locale
(list of available Locales)
You can select available Intents.
Review Status Any Intent
(list of available Intents)
Lists all Intents depending on filter option.
Found Intent Not reviewed
Lists all Intents found depending on selected filter.
Found a Slot Not selected
Found Intents
No Intent Found
Lists all Slots found depending on selected filter option.
Intent Score Not selected
Fair (0.3-0.7)
The respective scoring areas are indicated by colored dots.
Input Types positive Answer
Negative Answer
Goodbye Message
Why Question
How Question
Yes or No Question
You can select one or more types of user messages as a filter option.
Slot None
Lexicon Slots
System Slots
Lists all user messages depending on selected slot type.

The Filter Preset drop-down menu allows you to preset filter options with one mouse click.

Available filter presets

Add to Intent

Adding a record to an Intent requires you to select the Flow and the target Intent, you can also modify it before adding. The input will become an Intent example sentence afterwards.


Skip moves the user input to the Skipped records, however, once a user enters the same input again, it will also show up again in the Unhandled records of the Intent Trainer.


Ignore moves the user input to the Ignored records and once a user enters the same input again it will also be ignored.