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OData Analytics Endpoint

Cognigy.AI exposes an OData v4 analytics Endpoint to retrieve analytics records. OData, the best way to REST, is a powerful API framework. The OData Endpoint allows you to retrieve all raw data out of Cognigy.AI by using GET requests. It covers all your enterprise analytics needs to make fine-grained queries in your spreadsheets or build rich dashboards for your bots with your favorite data visualization tool.

Note that the Cognigy OData Endpoint only supports GET requests and does not support any other request types, such as PATCH, DELETE, or POST.

Watch this Episode of Cognigy Sessions for a technical deep dive

Usage and Authentication

You can connect to the OData Endpoint using your API Key in the OData URL on your server.

An OData URL is combined of the service root, api version, the collection and api key parameter as follows:

https://<odata domain>/<api-version>/<collection>?apikey=YOURAPIKEY

OData Domain Name

The OData Endpoint is available on a different domain to your Cognigy User Interface domain. If you log in to Cognigy via, your OData domain will be

For example, on our trial server, the OData Endpoint URL for the Analytics Inputs Collection is (where YOURAPIKEY must be replaced with your respective API Key). For On-Prem installations replace the domain name with the domain name configured for your local installation.

Excel/Power BI

When using PowerBI or Excel, you might be asked to authenticate. Simply choose anonymous authentication.

Endpoint Version

Version badge

The current version of the OData Endpoint is v2.3. In this version, the following OData collections are available:

The URL for accessing the V2.3 OData Endpoint is as follows: https://<hostname>/v2.3/<collection>?apikey=YOURAPIKEY

Deprecation of OData v2.0 - 2.2

OData Endpoint versions 2.0 - 2.2 were deprecated and removed in Cognigy.AI v4.48.0.

  • Inputs (/Inputs) - Renamed to Analytics in V2.3 Endpoint
  • ChatHistory (/ChatHistory) - Renamed to Conversations in V2.3 Endpoint
  • Steps (/Steps)
  • ExecutedSteps (/ExecutedSteps)
  • Conversations (/Conversations) - Renamed to Sessions in V2.3 Endpoint

The URL for accessing the V2.X OData Endpoint is as follows: https://<hostname>/v2.X/<collection>?apikey=YOURAPIKEY


The Endpoint supports following the OData Query Language operators:

  • $filter
  • $skip
  • $top
  • $orderby
  • $count
  • $select

$count and Excel or PowerBI

Microsoft Excel and PowerBI do not support for the $count query. Use Postman or other options.

Example Requests

Request Description OData 2.3 Request
Returns total count of Anayltics records (Not Supported in Excel or PowerBI)$count?apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Analytics records for the given APIKey
Returns the first 10 Analytics records$top=10&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns the top 5 Analytics records where executionTime is less than 50ms, ordered by executionTime$filter=executionTime lt 50&$top=5&$orderby=executionTime&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Analytics records for a specific Cognigy.AI Agent filtered by ProjectId$filter=projectId eq 'PROJECTID'&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Analytics records between two dates, for example, 1st Jan 2021 and 1st July 2021$filter=timestamp gt 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and timestamp lt 2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Request Description OData 2.2 Request
Returns total count of Inputs records (Not Supported in Excel or PowerBI)$count?apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Inputs records for the given APIKey
Returns the first 10 Inputs records$top=10&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns the top 5 Inputs records where executionTime is less than 50ms, ordered by executionTime$filter=executionTime lt 50&$top=5&$orderby=executionTime&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Inputs records for a specific Cognigy.AI Agent filtered by ProjectId$filter=projectId eq 'PROJECTID'&apikey=YOURAPIKEY
Returns all Inputs records between two dates, for example, 1st Jan 2021 and 1st July 2021$filter=timestamp gt 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and timestamp lt 2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z&apikey=YOURAPIKEY

Reference documentation

For a full reference refer to the extensive collection of resources at and the Oasis OData URL Convention Documentation.

Data Protection & Analytics

You control and manage the data available in the OData Endpoint via the agent settings menu. See Data Protection & Analytics for more details:

  • If you disable Collect Analytics no analytics data will be logged or available in OData.

  • If you enable Mask Sensitive Analytics the inputText and inputData fields will be masked.

Furthermore, you can control analytics logging behavior inside a Flow using Blind Mode nodes that will disable or mask analytics data available in OData according to your node settings.

Cognigy.AI OData Collections

This section details the data types that exist within the OData Collections that can be retrieved from the OData Endpoint. The following Collections are available:


Each collection will return, and can be filtered by, fields. Many of the OData record fields are retrieved directly from the input object results.

See here for more information about what these variables in the input object are.



Each time a contact sends a message to a Cognigy.AI Flow, Cognigy.AI creates an Analytics record with detailed analytics logs about the interaction. Each interaction is exposed in the analytics endpoint as single line item. Data written to this collection is committed at the end of the flow execution, therefore it is possible to overwrite the data contained within this collection via use of the Overwrite Analytics Node.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique analytics record ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
organisation Name of your organisation String cognigy
projectId Project ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2422
flowReferenceId ID of the Flow String 66ceb9cc-ac5b-4cdd-9f4b-8a48dfbb35d9
entrypoint The ID of the Project / Agent, or of a Snapshot when in use by the Endpoint String 621d3deb87016d3855ec0c92
ip The IP address the request originated from String
contactId ID of the connecting user String myContactID
sessionId Session ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
inputId Unique input ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2424
inputText The input text String Hello World!
inputData The input data object as a string String {"key":"value"}
state State of the Flow at input String default
mode Mode of the input String TextOnly
userType Type of the connecting user. Either "external" for external user or "admin" for admin user String external
channel Channel the input came through String facebook
flowLanguage Language of the Flow String en-EN
intent Found intent (can be blank) String orderFood
intentFlow The Parent ID of the Flow in which the intent was found (can be blank) String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
intentScore The numerical score of the input against a recognized intent (can be blank) Number 0.836322430892043
completedGoalsList List of completed goals in this session String orderedFood
foundSlots Found slot tags String DATE
foundSlotDetails Found slot tags with details String DATE[2018-2-25T12:32:32.000]
understood Whether any slots, intents or the message type was found Boolean true
timestamp DateTime of the input DateTime 2018-2-25T12:32:32.000Z
executionTime Time it took to execute the Flow in ms Number 32
execution The execution count Number 3
custom1 Custom value created by flow String
custom2 Custom value created by flow String
custom3 Custom value created by flow String
custom4 Custom value created by flow String
custom5 Custom value created by flow String
custom6 Custom value created by flow String
custom7 Custom value created by flow String
custom8 Custom value created by flow String
custom9 Custom value created by flow String
custom10 Custom value created by flow String
localeReferenceId Reference Id for locale String
localeName Name of locale String
endpointUrlToken The URL Token for the Endpoint String
endpointName The name of the Endpoint String
rating The rating for the session. -1 for a negative rating or 1 for a positive rating Number
ratingComment Comment left when given a rating String
snapshotName Name for the Snapshot used by the Endpoint String

Max length of custom fields

You can store maximum 500 characters as the value of each of the custom fields

Why is the Analytics Step label not used?

The analytics step label can be updated from the Cognigy user interface at any time. Therefore, in order to make all previous data records compatible with future records, the entityReferenceId is used. The entityReferenceID is either the Node ID or Intent ID which has been assigned as an analytics step. The current analytics label of the step can be retrieved by mapping the entityReferenceID to the Steps record.



The Conversations collection offers a log of all session messages, including the end user, bot or human agent responses. Each time one of these sources sends a message to a Cognigy.AI Flow, Cognigy.AI creates a record to log the interaction. Each interaction is exposed in the analytics endpoint as single line item.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique analytics record ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
projectId Project ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2422
projectName Name of the Cognigy.AI project String Project 1
inputId Unique input ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2424
sessionId Session ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
contactId ID of the connecting user String myContactID
organisation Name of your organisation String cognigy
inputText The input text String Hello World!
inputData The input data object as a string String {"key":"value"}
type Whether the message is an input or output of the Flow String "input" or "output"
source The source of the message String "user" or "bot" or "agent" or "suggestion"
timestamp DateTime of the input DateTime 2018-2-25T12:32:32.000Z
flowName Name of the Flow String MainFlow
flowParentId ParentId of the Flow String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
channel Channel the input came through String facebook
inHandoverRequest Flag whether the session is in a Handover request Boolean false
inHandoverConversation Flag whether the session is in a Handover session Boolean true
outputId Output ID String f514b7b2-7dc0-4e75-be62-a53fed5b2bb7


Version badge


The Steps collection offers a list of all entities (an entity is a flow node or an intent) that have been assigned as an analytics step and that exist in any flow that the API key has access to. Analytics Steps are created in Cognigy.AI by adding a value to the "Analytics Step" field in the settings for an entity. For a Step to exist in this OData collection, it must also have been triggered by at least one session with the flow. Each step that can exist in ExecutedSteps, is exposed in this analytics endpoint as single line item.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique analytics record ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
label Analytics step label defined for the entity (node or intent) in Cognigy.AI String Question (2)
type Type of entity String node or intent
entityReferenceId Unique ID for the entity (node ID or flow ID) String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
flowReferenceId ID of the flow String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
flowName Name of the Flow where the step exists String Main Flow
projectName Name of the Cognigy.AI project String Project 1
snapshotId ID of the snapshot String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
snapshotName Name of the snapshot String Bot Release 2.2

Building Visualizations with Steps Records

The following support article explains how these records can be manipulated in BI software to build insightful session path analytics: Step Monitoring with OData



The ExecutedSteps collection contains a list of all step events that have occurred in sessions. It also includes a reference to the step that occurred prior (parent step). Each time an entity (flow node or intent with an assigned step) is executed, a record is created in this collection. Each executed step is exposed in this analytics endpoint as single line item.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique analytics record ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
userId ID of the connecting user String myContactID
sessionId Session ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
inputId ID of the message String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
stepLabel Analytics step label defined for the entity (node or intent) in Cognigy.AI String Question (2)
parentStep ID of the step that occurred prior to this step String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
type Type of entity String node or intent
entityReferenceId Unique ID for the entity (node ID or intent ID) String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
flowReferenceId ID of the flow String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
flowName Name of the Flow where the step exists String Main Flow
timestamp Timestamp when the step was executed DateTime 2018-2-25T12:32:32.000Z
projectName Name of the Cognigy.AI project String Project 1
projectId ID of the project String 6067352c18887e471da4e392
organisationId Cognigy.AI Organisation ID String 5f8833dae72b850ad2ed4d53
snapshotId ID of the snapshot String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
snapshotName Name of the snapshot String Bot Release 2.2


Version badge


The Sessions collection contains a list of all sessions that have occurred. The primary objective of this collection is to provide a list of the analytics steps that took place in any given session and the order in which they took place. This information is included as a comma separated list within a single column called stepPath. Each session is exposed in this analytics endpoint as single line item.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique analytics record ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2423
goals All goals that were achieved in the session String Goal1, Goal2
stepPath Comma separated list of steps executed String 9ac4f679-beae-4461-b9e3-43aece8b3430,f1e72fe3-f04b-48f5-b862-1e35ad253f18, ...
stepsCount Count of the number of steps Number 10
handoverEscalations Number of times the session triggered a handover Number 3
startedAt Timestamp when first message was received DateTime 2018-2-25T12:32:32.000Z
userId ID of the connecting user String myContactID
sessionId Session ID String 5a91d194fde28b0011ce2425
localeReferenceId Id of the locale String en-EN
localeName Name of the locale String English
endpointReferenceId ID of the endpoint String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
endpointName Endpoint name String Webchat
projectName Name of the Cognigy.AI project String Project 1
projectId ID of the project String 6067352c18887e471da4e392
organisationId Cognigy.AI Organisation ID String 5f8833dae72b850ad2ed4d53
snapshotId ID of the snapshot String 5e33b160e6236da3aa54221461a53f04
snapshotName Name of the snapshot String Bot Release 2.2


Version badge


The LiveAgentEscalations collection contains records from Live Agent escalations and includes the related data about handovers to Live Agent.

Example Query

Data Types

When retrieving this collection, the endpoint will return the following fields:

Field Name Description Type Example
_id Unique identifier for the record String 649be849b7fd71d48b9bacc8
organisationId Identifier of the organization associated with the record String 5eb4a49d426cd3d05f2892a9
projectId Identifier of the project related to the record String 6409b6c53c9687b5e78e6403
sessionId Identifier of the session String session-2a38246e-0395-49a5-876d-dd5133fd5418
timestamp Date and time when the record was created DateTime 2023-06-28T07:59:04.628Z
localeName Name of the locale String en
status Current status of the record String opened
inboxId Identifier of the inbox associated with the record String 7983
inboxName Name of the inbox String LA Chatbot-default
teamId Identifier of the team String 8
teamName Name of the team String IT Support
labels List of labels associated with the record Array [Hardware]
agentId Identifier of the agent String 618cf7687614774ba028dcac
agentName Name of the agent String John Smith
contactId Identifier of the contact String 649ba8450d5df5cadf8b75b8
endpointName Name of the endpoint String LA Chatbot
endpointType Type of the endpoint String webchat2
endpointUrlToken Token or identifier associated with the endpoint String ea30b8f20db52f9d86ea36fd55a7d66bd2c4c60eb24ac7ad52f1c9e173dd4cdb
channel Channel through which the record was received String admin-webchat
localeReferenceId Identifier for the specific locale reference String 7eff993c-b801-4556-b111-1c319e8577cf
snapshotId Identifier of the snapshot String 63ff0cc47a466cab278fd19b
endpsnapshotName Name of the snapshot String Prod-Snapshot 26.7.23

Entity Relationship Diagram

This scheme describes the relationships between the collection entities



When connecting from Microsoft Excel 2016, you must use the PowerQuery feature, which can be found under Data > Get & Transform > New Query > From Other Sources > From OData Feed. This will connect to our OData v4 feed.


Follow the instructions in the Power BI documentation.


Incompatible OData Version

At the moment, Cognigy.AI supports OData version 4.0, which means that certain versions of Tableau are not compatible.

The instructions on how to connect an OData Feed in Tableau here.

OData Consumer Ecosystem

For a full list of available OData Consumer options follow the link to Consumers on

Client Libraries in .NET, Java, JavaScript, C++ and other platforms

For a full list of available OData Libraries see the latest directory of available libraries on