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Fuzzy Search


The Fuzzy Search Node enables a Flow to search through a list (string array) of source data by providing a search pattern. It will return the best possible matches, based on a set of parameters.

The assigned score for each match varies between 0 (indicating the closest match, thus the best) and 1 (representing no match, the weakest).

The result will be stored in either the Cognigy context (context.STORE) or input object (input.STORE) using the store name given in the node's settings.

In case of an error, this is stored in either the Cognigy context (context.STORE.error) or input object (input.STORE.error).


Parameter Type Description
Search Pattern String The pattern to search for.
Source Data JSON An array of strings or an object to search through.
Is Case Sensitive Boolean Indicates whether comparisons should be case-sensitive.
Include Score Boolean Specifies whether the score should be included in the result set. A score of 1.0 indicates a perfect match, while a score of 0.0 indicates a complete mismatch.
Include Matches Boolean Specifies whether the matches should be included in the result set. When active, each record in the result set will include the indices of the matched characters.
Minimum Characters Number Only the matches whose length exceeds this value will be returned.
Should Sort Boolean Specifies whether to sort the result list by score.
Find All Matches Boolean When activated, the matching function will continue to the end of a search pattern even if a perfect match has already been located in the string.
Location Number Determines approximately where in the text the pattern is expected to be found.
Threshold Number At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of 1.0 requires a perfect match (of both letters and location), a threshold of 0.0 would match anything.
Distance Number Determines how close the match must be to the fuzzy location (specified by Location).
Ignore Location Boolean When activated, the search will ignore Location and Distance, so it won't matter where in the string the pattern appears.