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The config verb allows developers to change the default speech settings during a session or to collect speech or DTMF input in the background while other verbs run. This verb is non-blocking, so the specified settings are changed immediately and the application proceeds with the next verb.

  "verb": "config",
  "synthesizer": {
    "vendor": "microsoft",
    "language": "de-DE",
    "voice": "de-DE-KillianNeural"
  "recognizer": {
    "vendor": "google",
    "language": "de-DE"
  "bargeIn": {
    "enable": true,
    "input": [
    "actionHook": "/userInput"


The full set of configuration parameters:

Parameter Description Required
amd Enable the Answering Machine Detection (AMD). No
bargein A background gather verb. No
bargeIn.enable If true, begins listening for speech or DTMF input while the session executes other verbs. If false, stops any background listening task in progress. No
bargeIn.sticky If both bargeIn.enable and bargeIn.sticky are true, another background gather will automatically initiate after detecting speech or DTMF. No
bargeIn.actionHook A webhook to call if the user input is collected from the background gather. Default is voice No
bargeIn.input An array specifying the allowed types of input: ['digits'], ['speech'], or ['digits', 'speech']. Yes
bargeIn.finishOnKey The DTMF key that signals the end of DTMF input. No
bargeIn.numDigits The exact number of DTMF digits expected to gather. No
bargeIn.minDigits The minimum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. The default value is 1. No
bargeIn.maxDigits The maximum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. No
bargeIn.interDigitTimeout The amount of time to wait between digits after minDigits have been entered. No
boostAudioSignal A string or integer value specifying the number of decibels to increase or decrease the outgoing audio signal level, for example, -6 dB.
Note that this parameter applies only to the main audio track, not to any additional (dub) audio tracks.
The default value is 0.
listen A nested listen verb. No
notifyEvents A boolean parameter. Enables event notifications over WebSocket connections. verbs sent over WebSocket must contain an id property to use this feature. No
onHoldMusic The URL to a remote music source to use when a call is placed on hold. No
recognizer Change the session-level default speech recognition settings. See the transcribe verb for details on the recognizer property. No
reset A string or array. Resets either recognizer or synthesizer to the default application settings. No
record Options to manage call recording using SIPREC. No
record.action On of the following actions can be used: startCallRecording, stopCallRecording, pauseCallRecording, or resumeCallRecording. Yes
record.siprecServerURL The SIP URI for the SIPREC server. Required if action is startCallRecording
record.recordingID The user-supplied string to identify the recording. No
sipRequestWithinDialogHook An object or string. A webhook to call when a SIP request is received within the dialog. For example: INFO, NOTIFY, or REFER. No
synthesizer Change the session-level default text-to-speech settings. See the say verb for details on the synthesizer property. No

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