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The 8x8 Endpoint allows connecting AI Agent to the 8x8 platform.

Generic Endpoint Settings

Find out about the generic endpoint settings available with this endpoint on the following pages:

Specific Endpoint Settings

8x8 Setup

Parameter Description
Base URL The URL of the 8x8 Server.
API Key The header value required for authenticating API calls to the 8x8 system.
8x8-Tenant The Tenant ID, the field is mandatory if a customer has multiple tenants in the organization.

How to Set up

To set up the 8x8 Endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Configure 8x8 Endpoint
  2. Configure 8x8

Configure 8x8 Endpoint

  1. In the left-side menu of your Agent, click Deploy > Endpoints.
  2. On the Endpoints page, click + New Endpoint.
  3. In the New Endpoint section, do the following:
    1. Select the 8x8 Endpoint type.
    2. Add a unique name.
    3. Select a relevant Flow from the list.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Endpoint, go to the 8x8 Setup settings.
  6. Specify a Base URL, API Key, and 8x8-Tenant that you received from the 8x8 server administrator.
  7. Copy the URL from the Endpoint URL field.
  8. (Optional) Activate the Accept Conversation Active Event setting. When activated, the setting allows the system to accept and process CONVERSATION UPDATE events with the state set as ACTIVE. These events will be sent to the Flow for further handling. This setting allows accessing the event payload via the Input object, which provides relevant information related to the ongoing conversation.
    • If the toggle is activated, the end user doesn't have to send the first message. The bot will automatically start replying.
    • If the toggle is not activated, the end user needs to engage in conversation with the bot first in order to receive a reply.
  9. Click Save.

Configure 8x8

  1. Log in to the 8x8 Contact Center for admins.
  2. On the My Applications page, select Configuration Manager for Contact Center.
  3. In the left-side menu, click Integration.
  4. Go to the Webhooks tab.
  5. On the Webhooks List tab, click + Add webhook.
  6. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name — specify a unique name.
    • URL — paste the URL in the following pattern: https://endpoint-your-environment/handover/eightByEight. For instance, in a Cognigy trial environment, the URL would be
    • Chat API Version — select Chat Gateway v1.0.
  7. To check if the connection works, click Test Connection.
  8. Click Save.
  9. In the left-side-menu, click Queues/Skills.
  10. On the Queue List tab, create a queue with a chat type by clicking + Chat.
  11. Fill in the following fields:
    • Queue name — specify a unique name.
    • Queue description — specify a unique description for the queue to differentiate it from others.
  12. Click Save.
  13. On the Members tab, assign and enable human agents who will operate within your queue to assist end users.
  14. Click Save.
  15. In the left-side menu, click Channels.
  16. On the Chat API tab, click + New Channel.
  17. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name — specify a unique name.
    • Description — specify a description of your channel specific.
    • Webhook — select the webhook that you recently created.
    • Queue — select the queue that you recently created..
  18. Click Save.

To check the AI Agent's performance, go to the installation that your server administrator has deployed.