The gather
verb is used to collect DTMF or speech input.
"verb": "gather",
"actionHook": "",
"input": ["digits", "speech"],
"bargein": true,
"dtmfBargein": true,
"finishOnKey": "#",
"numDigits": 5,
"timeout": 8,
"recognizer": {
"vendor": "Google",
"language": "en-US",
"hints": ["sales", "support"],
"hintsBoost": 10
"say": {
"text": "To speak to Sales press 1 or say Sales. To speak to customer support press 2 or say Support",
"synthesizer": {
"vendor": "Google",
"language": "en-US",
"voice": "en-US-Wavenet-F"
The full set of configuration parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
actionHook | A webhook POST to send the collected digits or speech. The payload includes a speech or dtmf property along with the standard attributes. |
Yes |
bargein | Enable speech barge-in, which pauses audio playback if the caller starts speaking. | No |
dtmfBargein | Enable DTMF barge-in, which pauses audio playback if the caller enters DTMF tones. | No |
finishOnKey | The DTMF key that signals the end of input. | No |
input | An array specifying the allowed types of input: ['digits'] , ['speech'] , or ['digits', 'speech'] . The default value is ['digits'] . |
No |
interDigitTimeout | The amount of time to wait between digits after minDigits have been entered. |
No |
listenDuringPrompt | If this parameter is false , the system will not listen for user speech until the say or play verbs has completed. The default value is true . |
No |
minBargeinWordCount | If bargein is true , only halt speech when this many words are spoken. The default value is 1 . |
No |
minDigits | The minimum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. The default value is 1 . |
No |
maxDigits | The maximum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. | No |
numDigits | The exact number of DTMF digits expected to gather. | No |
partialResultHook | A webhook POST to send interim transcription results to. Partial transcriptions are only generated if this property is set. | No |
play | A nested play verb that can be used to prompt the user. |
No |
recognizer | Speech recognition options. | No |
When speech input is used,
the actionHook
payload will contain a speech object with the response from the speech provider, such as Google Speech.
"speech": {
"stability": 0,
"is_final": true,
"alternatives": [{
"confidence": 0.858155,
"transcript": "sales please"
In the case of digits input, the payload includes a digits
property indicating the DTMF keys pressed:
"digits": "0276"