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Live Agent uses active storage for storing attachments. The default storage option is the local storage on your server, or with an NFS server (preferred way) and CDNs from any cloud provider such as AWS S3, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, etc. See below for the additional values required.

Using a NFS Server


When using AWS, an existing Elastic File System or EFS must be setup. Based on your EFS, fill in the following values:

Name Type Value
storage.cloudProvider string "aws"
storage.fileSystemId string ""
storage.provisionerName string ""
storage.region string ""
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "local"


When using Azure, a Network File System or NFS server must be set up. Based on your NFS server, fill in the following values:

Name Type Value
storage.size string "10Gi"
storage.cloudProvider string "azure"
storage.nfsServer string ""
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "local"

Using a CDN

Set the following value to "cdn" to use a Content Delivery network or CDN, and fill in the remaining values based on the provider that you want to use.

Name Type Value
storage.cloudProvider string "cdn"

Using Amazon S3

You can start by creating an S3 bucket and IAM user to configure the following details.

Name Type Value
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "amazon"
configmap.S3_BUCKET_NAME string ""
configmap.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID string ""
configmap.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string ""
configmap.AWS_REGION string ""

A secret must be set up for setting the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

Name Type Value
storage.secretAccessKey.environmentVariable string "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecret string "<secret-name>"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecretKey string "<secret-key>"

Using Google GCS

Name Type Value
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "google"
configmap.GCS_PROJECT string ""
configmap.GCS_BUCKET string ""

A secret must be set up for setting the GCS_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

Name Type Value
storage.secretAccessKey.environmentVariable string "GCS_CREDENTIALS"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecret string "<secret-name>"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecretKey string "<secret-key>"

The value of the GCS_CREDENTIALS should be a JSON formatted string, containing the following keys.

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id" : "",
  "private_key_id" : "",
  "private_key" : "",
  "client_email" : "",
  "client_id" : "",
  "auth_uri" : "",
  "token_uri" : "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url" : "",
  "client_x509_cert_url" : ""

Using Microsoft Azure

Name Type Value
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "microsoft"
configmap.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME string ""
configmap.AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER string ""

A secret must be set up for setting the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

Name Type Value
storage.secretAccessKey.environmentVariable string "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecret string "<secret-name>"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecretKey string "<secret-key>"

Using Amazon S3 Compatible Service

To use an S3 compatible service such as DigitalOcean Spaces, Minio etc..

Name Type Value
configmap.ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE string "s3_compatible"
configmap.STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME string ""
configmap.STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID string ""
configmap.STORAGE_REGION string "nyc3"
configmap.STORAGE_ENDPOINT string ""

A secret must be set up for setting the STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

Name Type Value
storage.secretAccessKey.environmentVariable string "STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecret string "<secret-name>"
storage.secretAccessKey.existingSecretKey string "<secret-key>"

Set force_path_style to true if using minio.

Name Type Value
configmap.STORAGE_FORCE_PATH_STYLE bool true

A local Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is available for storage. However, it is not recommended for scaling up deployments as there is only one PVC per deployment.

Name Type Value
storage.cloudProvider string "none"
storage.size string "10Gi"