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SMTP needs to be configured for functionalities such as Agent notifications for new conversations, password resets, to verify new Agent accounts, etc.


Name Type Default Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS Set your SMTP address. ""
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION Allowed values: plain,login,cram_md5 "plain"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO Defaults to true. "true"
configmap.SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE Can be: none, peer, client_once, fail_if_no_peer_cert "none"
configmap.SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP Password, ignored when the secret is defined. ""
configmap.SMTP_PORT SMTP Port "587"
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME SMTP Username ""
configmap.MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL The email from which all outgoing emails are sent. ""

Creating A Secret For The SMTP Password

Before installing Live Agent with Helm, create a secret on the Kubernetes cluster namespace where Live Agent is installed. Take note of the SMTP secret name and key, and set the following values:

Name Type Default Value
smtp.secret SMTP Secret Name ""
smtp.secretPasswordKey SMTP Secret Key ""

Configuring Different SMTP Servers

Here is a sample of configurations for getting email functionality working for the Live Agent application. Remember that the SMTP password is stored in the secret, as mentioned above.

For the following sender value, you could use either or BrandName <>

Name Type Value
configmap.MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL string ""

Set the following variables based on your SMTP server configuration.

Name Type Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string ""
Password secret string ""

No Authentication

If your server does not need authentication, comment, or don't provide these values: SMTP AUTHENTICATION, SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD in the values.yaml file.

Name Type Value
configmap.MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL string "Your SMTP Username"
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_PORT string "587"

Amazon SES

Name Type Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string "email-smtp.<region>"
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION string "plain"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string "<Your SMTP Username>"
Secret Password string "<Your SMTP Password>"


The sender and username must be the same as in Outlook.

Name Type Value
configmap.MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL string "Your SMTP Username"
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION string "login"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string "<Your SMTP username>"
Secret Password string "<Your SMTP Password>"
configmap.SMTP_PORT string "587"


Name Type Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION string "plain"
configmap.SMTP_DOMAIN string "<Your Verified Domain>"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_PORT string "587"
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string "apikey"
Secret Password string "<your Sendgrid API key>"


Name Type Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION string "plain"
configmap.SMTP_DOMAIN string "<Your Domain, this has to be verified in Mailgun>"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_PORT string "587"
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string "<Your SMTP Username, view under Domains tab>"
Secret Password string "<Your SMTP Password, view under Domains tab>"


If you would like to use Mailchimp to send your emails, use the following environment variables:

Note: Mandrill is the transactional email service for Mailchimp. You need to enable transactional email and log in to

Name Type Value
configmap.SMTP_ADDRESS string ""
configmap.SMTP_AUTHENTICATION string "plain"
configmap.SMTP_DOMAIN string "<Your Verified Domain in Mailchimp>"
configmap.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO bool true
configmap.SMTP_PORT string "587"
configmap.SMTP_USERNAME string "<Your SMTP Username, displayed under Settings -> SMTP & API info>"
Secret Password string "<Any Valid API key, create an API key under Settings -> SMTP & API Info>"