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Migration to MongoDB 5

Starting with v4.48, Cognigy.AI and Cognigy Insights fully support MongoDB 5. From our first release in July, we will no longer support MongoDB 4.4 and earlier versions.

Kubernetes support

Starting with v4.52, Cognigy.AI, Cognigy Insights, and Cognigy Live Agent support Kubernetes v1.25.



Released June 29th, 2023


  • Fixed the issue where an old version of the context could sometimes be loaded during a session



Released June 9th, 2023


  • Fixed the issue where Genesys settings were empty
  • Fixed the issue where scoring would take place when using an executed Flow with parseIntents turned off



Released May 31st, 2023


  • Added the Large Language Model (LLM) as a new resource for the project, including support for the gpt-3.5-turbo model and configuration for various Generative AI use cases in the Agent settings


  • Improved by resetting the user session when an Endpoint points to a new Snapshot and the old Snapshot has been deleted
  • Improved the error logs on the Logs page when an invalid Flow is targeted by the Go To Node
  • Optimized the performance for finding keyphrases
  • Added the settings for both maintenance and out-of-business-hours modes to the Webchat Endpoint
  • Removed legacy Live Chat Lite from Cognigy.AI
  • Removed displaying notifications for the Yes/No training task during project creation
  • Added different icons for Change Member and Contact Profile
  • Extended the Answering Machine Detection section in the Voice Gateway Transfer Node for the Dial type
  • Added the Genesys section to the Handover to Agent Node to extend it with 3 new fields and a JSON field to send Custom attributes when doing the handover
  • Applied a new Continuous Counting Method to count conversations based on 24-hour time window


  • Fixed the issue where the maximum slot limit allowed for the lexicon was not considered during lexicon CSV upload. To support backward compatibility, we made this limit configurable
  • Fixed the issue where the child onAnswer Node of the Optional Question Node would not indicate where a Flow execution stops
  • Fixed the warning message for the Agent delete action, providing a clearer notification
  • Fixed the issue where data assertions in Playbook runs failed for Playbooks created from the Interaction Panel
  • Fixed the issue where timeouts in Playbook steps caused an incorrect number of assertions
  • Fixed the issue where Playbook steps with data-only input would not show up in the Playbook run results
  • Fixed the issue where Playbook asserts for Default Replies would always fail

Cognigy Insights

Released May 31st, 2023


  • Removed unavailable Livechat Lite from the user menu and configs


  • Fixed the issue where duplicate sessions were created and persisted in the database
  • Fixed the issue where the Step report query would exceed the memory limit and crash the Step Explorer
  • Fixed the issue where Insights calculates the average first response time and average resolution time for a session instead of escalation

Cognigy Live Agent

Released May 31st, 2023



  • Removed the OData tags and tagging from Live Agent
  • Added support for Redis Sentinel


  • Fixed the issue where empty Cognigy Contact Profile fields will not show unless they have a value

Agent Assist Workspace

Released May 31st, 2023


  • Improved the visual appearance of the embedded Agent Assist Workspace Status screens
  • Improved by explaining missing query parameters on the Agent Assist Status screen


  • Fixed the issue where some errors were incorrectly shown in embedded Agent Assist Workspace
  • Fixed the issue where caption text is not being shown for attachments coming from the webchat in the message transcript

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released May 31st, 2023


  • Fixed the issue where a user with the Account scope could not create other users with the same scope

Webchat Widget

You can find the release notes for our Webchat Widget on GitHub as usual. The latest release of our Webchat Widget at the time of releasing all other Cognigy products is v2.53.0.


Voice Gateway

  • Added Helm Chart support for K8s v1.25
  • Added a new with the 8001 value
  • Added a new property spec.values.gloabl.cognigyVgVersion. This property is used by Sentry Tracer to set the Cognigy.VG release version
  • Updated feature-server to run in headless mode by default. The property spec.values.featureServer.useStatefulSet: true is set