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Get Transcript


The Get Transcript Node lets receive a real-time conversation transcript and store the result in the Input or Context object.

To provide the transcript to the AI Agent, go to the AI Agent Node. In the Job Description or Instructions and Context field, specify the path to the Input or Context object where the transcript is stored.


Parameter Type Description
Limit Slider Determine how many transcript steps to include. Each step is an input from any participant in the conversation. For example, if you specify 1, only the last input will be included in the transcript. This input could be, for instance, an AI Agent's message if it was the last in the conversation.


Parameter Type Description
Store Location Selector Determine how to save the result:
- Input — stores the result in the Input object.
- Context — stores the result in the Context object.
Input Key CognigyScript The parameter appears when Input is selected. The result is stored in the transcript Input object by default. You can specify another value.
Context Key CognigyScript The parameter appears when Context is selected. The result is stored in the transcript Context object by default. You can specify another value.

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