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Live Agent (Beta)

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The Live Agent Report is in Beta. We encourage you to try this feature out and provide us with feedback.

The Live Agent Report displays Live Agent metrics for a specific AI Agent.

Using this report, you can:

  • Keep track of how quickly human agents respond and resolve customer inquiries.
  • Monitor the total number of handovers for the AI Agent.
  • Summarize conversation statuses.
  • Evaluate conversation types based on assigned label.

These metrics are visualized in the following charts:

Charts display data based on the global filter settings.

Live Agent report


The Indicator charts presents real-time data that refreshes every 30 seconds.

Live Agent Handovers

This overview shows the number of handovers. A handover occurs when an AI Agent transfers the conversation to a human agent. Multiple handovers can occur within a single session.

Source table:

| Sessions    | DateTime  | Handovers per session  | Escalation |
| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------- | ---------- |
| session-123 | 1/08/2023 |          1             |     1      |
| session-456 | 1/09/2023 |          0             |     0      |
| session-789 | 1/11/2023 |          0             |     0      |
| session-abc | 1/15/2023 |          2             |     1      |
| session-def | 1/16/2023 |          4             |     1      |

Result: 7

Handover Rate

Displays the percentage of sessions needing human assistance. The handover rate is calculated as the ratio of Live Agent Escalations divided by total sessions. A lower value indicates fewer sessions needing human assistance. If multiple handovers occur during a session, Cognigy counts them as one escalation.

Source table:

| Sessions    | DateTime  | Handovers per session  |  Escalation   |
| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------- | ------------- |
| session-123 | 1/08/2023 |          1             |       1       |
| session-456 | 1/09/2023 |          0             |       0       |
| session-789 | 1/11/2023 |          0             |       0       | 
| session-abc | 1/15/2023 |          2             |       1       | 
| session-def | 1/16/2023 |          4             |       1       | 

Calculation: (Number of Live Agent Escalations) / (Total Sessions) * 100%

Result: 60%

Avg. First Response Time

Displays the average time it takes for a human agent to send the first response to an end user.

Source table:

 | Request time        | First response time | Sessions    |          
 | ------------------- | ------------------- | ----------- |
 | 2022/01/01 12:15 00 | 2022/01/01 12:16 00 | session-123 |
 | 2022/01/01 14:00 00 | 2022/01/01 14:02 00 | session-456 |
 | 2022/01/03 09:05 30 | 2022/01/03 09:05 30 | session-789 |
 | 2022/01/03 11:30 00 | 2022/01/03 11:31 00 | session-abc |
 | 2022/01/05 06:10 00 | 2022/01/05 06:12 30 | session-def |


  1. For each session First response time - Request time.
  2. Average first response time = Total time to send a first response / Number of sessions

Result: 1 min 10 sec

Avg. Resolution Time

Displays the average time it takes a human agent to resolve a conversation after escalation. Source table:

 | Request time        | Resolving time      | Sessions    |          
 | ------------------- | ------------------- | ----------- |
 | 2022/01/01 12:15 00 | 2022/01/01 12:30 00 | session-123 |
 | 2022/01/01 14:00 00 | 2022/01/01 14:15 00 | session-456 |
 | 2022/01/03 09:05 00 | 2022/01/03 09:14 30 | session-789 |
 | 2022/01/03 11:30 00 | 2022/01/03 11:42 00 | session-abc |
 | 2022/01/05 06:10 00 | 2022/01/05 06:12 30 | session-def |


  1. For each session Resolving time - Request time.
  2. Average resolution time = Total Resolution time / Total number of sessions

Result: 9 min


Indicates the number of conversations that were opened by a user or reopened by a human agent.


Indicates the number of conversations that were assigned to a human agent


Indicates the number of conversations that were paused until a customer or human agent responded.


Indicates the number of conversations that were temporarily suspended until a time trigger or customer response trigger was activated.

Bar charts

Handover End Reason

Displays the following conversation statuses on a timescale:

  • Abandoned — a conversation is closed because the user left a conversation.
  • Resolved — a conversation is closed because the user's problem was resolved.

The chart indicates how the Live Agents' performance varied over time.

Source table:

| Date      | Status    |  Conversations  |
| --------- | --------- | --------------- |
| 3/20/2023 | abandoned |        3        |
| 3/21/2023 | abandoned |        2        |
| 3/21/2023 | resolved  |        1        |
| 3/29/2023 | abandoned |        2        |
| 3/29/2023 | resolved  |       24        |
| 3/30/2023 | resolved  |        5        |
| 4/4/2023  | resolved  |        1        |
| 4/13/2023 | resolved  |       15        |
| 4/13/2023 | abandoned |       13        |
| 4/13/2023 | pending   |        1        |
| 4/13/2023 | snoozed   |        1        |
| 4/14/2023 | assigned  |       22        |
| 4/14/2023 | abandoned |        3        |
| 4/14/2023 | resolved  |        5        |
| 4/17/2023 | assigned  |        7        |
| 4/17/2023 | resolved  |       15        |
| 4/18/2023 | assigned  |        6        |
| 4/18/2023 | abandoned |        6        |


Label Summary

Indicates Live Agents labels to categorize and prioritize conversations.

| Label name | Number of labels | 
| ---------  | ---------------- | 
|   QA       |       4          |
|   test     |       1          |


Line charts

Live Agent Performance Times

Displays the average time to first response and resolution time for human agents. This metric is calculated based on the number of sessions and helps evaluate human agent effectiveness by comparing response and resolution times.

The First Response Time metric refers to the average time a human agent takes to send a first response to a customer's request. The Resolution Time metric refers to the average time of a customer's interaction with a human agent, with a human agent, from the start of the handover sequence until the end of the session.

Source tables:


Download Report

To download a report as a CSV file for the chart, click vertical-ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the chart. To create a report file, refer to the Download Report article.

More Information