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Advanced: Build a Custom xApp Node

If you need more control and flexibility than what the xApp: Show Adaptive Card or xApp: Show HTML offer, you can create your own customized Node.

To create a custom xApp extension, you will need to build an Extension from scratch using a template provided in the Cognigy repository on GitHub. Below is the code snippet that you can use within the Extension. This code snippet helps to create a custom Node that displays text content and allows you to cancel or continue the dialog.

export const xappDialogNode = createNodeDescriptor({ 
  type: "xapp-dialog",
  fields: [
      key: "content",
      label: "Content",
      type: "cognigyText",
  function: (params) => {
    const { cognigy, config } = params;
    const { content } = config as any;

    // About the HTML code:
    // - Load the "app page SDK" from /sdk/app-page-sdk.js, which is always available for "generic HTML" apps. There's no need to include the SDK code within the HTML content.
    // - After the "app page SDK" line, you can use the SDK globally as it is now initialized.
    // - Use plain "onclick" handlers for the buttons to submit a result from the app by calling "SDK.submit({ action: '<action-description>' })".
    // - Clicking one of the buttons closes the app and triggers an "inject" message. The value of "" is equal to the parameters you provided in "SDK.submit" ({ action: '<action-description>' }).
    const getDialogHtml = (content) => `
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <script src="/sdk/app-page-sdk.js"></script>
        <button type="button" onclick="SDK.submit({ action: 'continue' })">continue</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="SDK.submit({ action: 'cancel' })">cancel</button>
    // @ts-ignore
    cognigy.api.setAppState("generic-html", {
      html: getDialogHtml(content),

Utilize the setAppState API with an app template URL set to generic-html and app template data that contain the HTML code generated.

Once implemented, the generated HTML will appear within the app screen, similar to the xApp: Show HTML Node. This approach allows you to edit a specific part of the page through node fields, rather than modifying the entire page content. This streamlined process is focused on the necessary changes for the dialog.

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