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Migration From v2 to v3

The page includes a comparative table outlining the key changes between chat versions to assist you in making migration decisions. Also, there is a step-by-step guide for moving to the new version. When making your decision, keep in mind that Webchat v3 is in the preview stage, which may affect its stability and feature completeness compared to stable versions.

Feature Comparison

In the table, learn about the key differences between Webchat version 2 and version 3. Features that are not available for any of the versions are marked as N/A (Not applicable).

Feature v2 v3
Webchat Design Basic design requiring additional CSS customization. Enhanced design aligned with contemporary design principles and trends.
Plugin Compatibility Compatible with all plugins from Cognigy plugin collection. May not Compatible with all plugins from Cognigy plugin collection.
Embedding Includes all settings that Webchat Endpoint has. Includes all settings that Webchat v3 Endpoint has.
Demo Webchat Standard Demo Webchat. Updated Demo Webchat according to the new Webchat v3 interface.
Endpoint Settings Menu Basic menu with limited navigation. Updated menu with organized sections for easier navigation.
Webchat Layout Standard set for customizing Webchat colors. Advanced set for customizing Webchat colors.
Conversation Starters N/A; there is a simplified alternative, the Persistent Menu. You can use conversation starters to engage visitors with a teaser message, either as an introduction on the home screen.
Teaser Message Simplified version with the option to specify only the Teaser Message Text. Enhanced Teaser messages with ability to add Conversation Starters.
Conversation Rating The rating is displayed directly on the agent chat page. The rating is displayed on a separate page in the chat options, allowing users to continue the conversation and evaluate it at any time during the session.
Chat Options screen N/A Implemented a new Chat Options screen offering the ability to modify the page title, add quick replies, enhance conversation rating, and include a footer.
Privacy Notice screen N/A Added the option to include a privacy notice screen containing notice text, title, submit button, and references to the privacy policy document.
Home screen N/A Introduced a new Home screen, allowing customization of the welcome message, background color, and image, along with options to add conversation starters and enable previous conversations.
Chat History screen N/A; there is a simplified alternative, the Persistent History in the embedding code. Enabled access to view conversations on the new screen via navigation from the home screen.

How to Migrate

For a smooth migration, follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade to Cognigy.AI version 4.72 or later.
  2. Create a Webchat v3 Endpoint in Cognigy.AI.
  3. Manually transfer the settings from the old Webchat Endpoint to the Webchat v3 Endpoint.
  4. Update your embedding code according to the new Embedding specification:
    • Replace the old bundle link with a new bundle for Webchat v3.
    • Within the initWebchat() function replace the old Endpoint Config URL with a new Webchat v3 Endpoint Config URL.
    • If you configure Webchat settings in the initWebchat() function, replace them with the new ones according to the new Webchat v3 Endpoint settings structure.
  5. Locally build Webchat and verify that everything functions as expected.
  6. Publish Webchat on your website.

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