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4.38 - Happy Halloween 🎃

Important announcement

With release v4.30.0, we have officially marked our Kubernetes repository as deprecated. If you are an on-premise customer and you are running Cognigy.AI/Cognigy Insights yourself, have a look at our Helm Chart, which we have crafted for Cognigy.AI/Cognigy Insights! Our Kubernetes repository will still receive updates until 31st December 2022.



Released October 31st, 2022


Amazon Lex Endpoint

This release of Cognigy.AI officially introduces the Amazon Lex Endpoint which allows our customers to integrate with Amazon Lex NLU.

Genesys Cloud Handover Provider

This release of Cognigy.AI officially adds support for Genesys Cloud as a handover provider.


  • Improved by adding file upload and attachment handling to service-endpoint for contacts, location and sticker type of whatsapp messages
  • Improved by adding new organization wide data privacy settings that can be set in the management-UI
  • Improved by displaying the speech providers logo in voice preview dialogue
  • Improved by adding a togglable XML editor to the Voice Preview feature
  • Improved by showing an additional error message for json editor fields containing invalid json
  • Improved by adding a JSON validator for updating Audio Settings and Translate Settings
  • Improved by filtering and searching Audit Events using type and user at the same time
  • Improved by adding new role "Live Agent Supervisor"


  • Fixed a bug where long script texts overflow in the email content field
  • Fixed a bug where the session timeout duration was too long. Reduced the default session timeout duration to 7 days if "Remember Me" check box is selected during login
  • Fixed a bug where voice preview was passing the JWT as a query param
  • Fixed a bug where the Interaction panel call failed if the optional region field for the Microsoft voice provider was not set
  • Fixed a bug where login with SSO throws an error if cognigy client is not configured
  • Fixed a bug where sentence types could not be used in rules and conditions
  • Fixed a bug where userId schema validation is getting failed due to type change of userId field after JSON parsing it in "getHandoverMetaInRedis"
  • Fixed a bug where agent inject did not work with Facebook (Meta)
  • Fixed a bug where the TTL for being able to do notify/inject requests would not reset after sending a notify/inject request
  • Fixed a bug where Live Follow would not work for the Socket Endpoint
  • Fixed a bug where Live Follow would not include the data of the input message
  • Fixed a bug where live agent redirection did not work if live-agent env variable is configured

Cognigy Insights

Released October 31st, 2022


Configurable TTL for entire Insights data

This release of Cognigy Insights adds the ability to configure a TTL for all data we collect as part of Cognigy Insights. The TTL can either be configured on a system level or via the Cognigy Management UI


  • Detailed view for Pie Chart graph showing all fractions (and reducing the default to only show the largest 10 fractions)
  • Improved by adding a TTL to all analytics services, for document expiration after a predefined time


  • Remove tooltip clipping
  • Fixed a bug where sorting does not work on orderOfIntentsByAverageNluScore query
  • Fixed a bug where Transcript explore filtering is not working
  • Fixed a bug where users with liveAgentSupervisor role were not able to access insights

Cognigy Live Agent

Released October 31st, 2022


  • Add the first part of the supervisor dashboard to the Live Agent UI. This includes the ability to view the current status of all agents, an overview of the conversation handling, account and agent based. The supervisor dashboard is currently only available to users with the supervisor role


  • Improved by fixing several Helm chart issues opened on GitHub


  • > Note: values.configmap.SECRET_KEY_BASE has been replaced by cookiesIntegrity to reference a secret. It is important to create a new secret and set the previous value. Otherwise, users will need to do logout and login

  • Improved by adding validation for date ranges and restricting queries to one year in the past for the reports section


  • Fixed a bug where the UI was not validating files properly while uploading profile pictures and inbox avatars
  • Fixed a bug where the agent role was able to access unauthorized endpoints
  • Fixed a bug where the forward arrow in agent assist bot messages was overlapping the messages when hovered in a reduced window
  • Fixed a bug where Galleries could not be scrolled when the screen was smaller

Webchat Widget

You can find the release notes for our Webchat Widget on Github as usual. The latest release of our Webchat Widget at the time of releasing all other Cognigy products is v2.42.1.