Removal of Google Actions Endpoint
Due to the sunset of Google Conversational Actions on June 13, 2023, our Google Actions Endpoint will be removed in the near future. Consequently, the Endpoint will become unavailable.
Migration to MongoDB 5
Starting with v4.48, Cognigy.AI and Cognigy Insights fully support MongoDB 5. From our first release in July, we will no longer support MongoDB 4.4 and earlier versions.
Kubernetes support
Starting with v4.52, Cognigy.AI, Cognigy Insights, and Cognigy Live Agent support Kubernetes v1.25.
Released July 11th, 2023
- Improved stability of the Cognigy.AI and Cognigy Voice Gateway connection by adding an additional healthcheck between both products
Released July 7th, 2023
- Added the Generic Mute Speech Input and Voice Gateway Mute Speech Input Nodes
- Added a toggle to turn off the TTS audio cache in the Synthesizer (TTS) section of both the Voice Gateway Set Session Config Node and the Voice Gateway channel responses with Set Activity Parameters for the Question, Optional Question, Say, and Play Nodes
- Encrypted the audio preview credentials by adding them to the connection resources
- Added the Speech Connection field in the Voice Preview settings
- Renamed the Setup Large Language Model button to Configure LLM in the Generative AI settings
- Added German language support for the Node fields
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed the issue where the Repeat Handover message was being displayed when both the handover provider and the channel were 8x8
- Fixed the issue where IP addresses were being incorrectly replaced by TextCleaner
- Fixed the issue where Text Cleaner didn't correctly parse German numbers
- Fixed the issue where the success notification was incorrect when copying the Profile ID
- Fixed the issue where the selected Generative AI provider had no data in the database
- Fixed the issue where an old version of the Context could sometimes be loaded during a session
Cognigy Insights¶
Released July 7th, 2023
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed the issue of UI crash occurs when the
request fails - Fixed the issue where the conversation detail endpoint would return an empty
object when the conversation was created via the Interaction Panel - Fixed the issue where the Adaptive Card Webchat plugin was crashing Transcript Explorer
Cognigy Live Agent¶
Released July 7th, 2023
- Added the Audit Logs section where the activity of an account can be checked in the form of events
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed the issue where scrolling with keyboard arrow keys in the list used to mention agents within the private note tab of a Live Agent conversation is not working properly
Agent Assist Workspace¶
Released July 7th, 2023
- Added the indicator for tiles that are not presented in the AI Copilot Workspace layout
- Modified the tooltip styles to align with the tooltips in Cognigy.AI
Cognigy Voice Gateway¶
Released July 7th, 2023
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed the issue where a phone number must be unique across Service Providers
- Fixed the issue with misleading colors of the Delete, Cancel, and Close buttons in the Self-Service Portal
- Fixed the issue with a frozen screen after adding a new custom speech provider in the Self-Service Portal
- Fixed the issue where deleting a Service Provider was not possible for Admins in the Self-Service Portal
We have updated Traefik, the Kubernetes Ingress Controller, to improve functionality and address known security vulnerabilities in the dependencies of Cognigy.AI, Cognigy Insights, and Cognigy Voice Gateway. This update brings Traefik to version 2.10.1 and includes the latest Helm Chart for Traefik, reflecting our commitment to continuous improvement.
Pre-installation tasks¶
Before installing the Helm Chart, follow these steps:
- Extract the values of the
selector from thetraefik
service and assign them totraefik.instanceLabelOverride
in the local values file by executing the following command:kubectl get service --namespace <namespace> traefik -o jsonpath='"{.spec.selector.app\.kubernetes\.io\/instance}"{"\n"}'
- Deploy the latest Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) of Traefik by executing the following command:
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -k https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/traefik/crds/
- In the new Traefik Helm Chart, the
parameter has been divided intotraefik.image.registry
. If you have modified the Traefik image in your local values file, update it accordingly.
For more detailed information, refer to the official release notes provided by Traefik.
Post-installation tasks¶
After installing the release,
follow the steps below to clean up the resources generated by the previous Custom Resource Definitions
(CRDs) of Traefik.
Replace <namespace>
with the namespace in which Cognigy.AI or Cognigy Voice Gateway is running.
- Clean up the middleware:
for middleware in $(kubectl get middlewares.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> -o go-template='{{range .items }}{{if eq .apiVersion "traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1"}}{{printf "%s\n" .metadata.name}}{{end}}{{end}}')
echo "Deleting middlewares: ${middleware}"
kubectl delete middlewares.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> ${middleware}
- Clean up the TLSOption:
for tlsoption in $(kubectl get tlsoptions.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> -o go-template='{{range .items }}{{printf "%s\n" .metadata.name}}{{end}}')
echo "Deleting tlsoptions: ${tlsoption}"
kubectl delete tlsoptions.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> ${tlsoption}
- Clean up the IngressRoute:
for ingressroute in $(kubectl get ingressroutes.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> -o go-template='{{range .items }}{{printf "%s\n" .metadata.name}}{{end}}')
echo "Deleting ingressroutes: ${ingressroute}"
kubectl delete ingressroutes.traefik.containo.us --namespace <namespace> ${ingressroute}