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Webchat v2: Supported Browsers


Starting from version 4.77, the 18-month countdown to the deprecation of Webchat v2 begins. During this time, only important security updates will be provided for v2, with no further feature additions.

Cognigy Webchat v2 is compatible with the browsers listed in the tabel.

Browser Version
Google Chrome 66 or higher
Mozilla Firefox 57 or higher
Microsoft Edge 16 or higher
Safari 11.1 or higher1

Note that some browsers may not support certain Webchat features. For example, the Enable speech-to-text feature, which adds a microphone button to the Webchat interface, is unavailable in Mozilla Firefox as voice input is not yet implemented in that browser.

  1. Cognigy only supports Websockets on Safari, which means that the fallback to long-polling is not allowed.