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Update Required for Endpoints: Socket.IO and Webchat

Starting from Cognigy.AI v4.75.0, the URLToken parameter is mandatory for the Socket.IO and Webchat Endpoints. This parameter must be included along with userId and sessionId in the connection parameters. This functionality is automatically handled in @cognigy/socket-client, beginning with v4.5.3, and in WebchatWidget v2.36.0. Ensure that you upgrade if you are using earlier versions.

Cognigy Journeys Removal

In version 4.79, we will remove Cognigy Journeys entirely from the Cognigy.AI UI and API.

Migration from Weaviate to Qdrant

In version 4.75, we will remove Weaviate as a vector database. If you have a Cognigy on-premises installation and are utilizing the Knowledge AI features, switch to Qdrant before upgrading to version 4.75.0. For a smooth migration, follow the provided guide.

The migration has a side effect that alters the distance value. Decision-making in the Flow will be ineffective post-migration if distance is used. If you are using this value in your Flows, refer to recommendations for configuring this value.



Released May 17th, 2024


  • Added the ability to forward Genesys bot messages to the end user while using the Genesys Cloud Open Messaging handover provider. These messages will be injected into the chat. To enable this feature for on-premises installations, use the GENESYS_CLOUD_OM_HANDLE_BOT_MESSAGE: "true" feature flag


Cognigy Insights

Released April 24th, 2024


  • Implemented internal logging to monitor important security-related actions within the OData Endpoint



Cognigy Voice Gateway

  • Added the FEATURE_ENABLE_HANDOVER_SETTINGS_FOR_VG2 environment variable to control visibility of Handover settings in the Voice Gateway Endpoint. It is enabled by default.



Released April 19th, 2024


  • Fixed the issue that caused an exception when using the Skip if the result is already in Context of a Slot Filler toggle

Cognigy Live Agent

Released April 23rd, 2024


  • Fixed the issue where the activity message shows the wrong assignee based on availability

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released May 7th, 2024


  • Fixed the issue where enabling Barge In could cause incorrect transcriptions to arrive later in a call
  • Removed trailing silence trimming from Microsoft TTS to fix delays during calls. This trimming is no longer needed in recent versions and might cause issues
  • Fixed the issue where Voice Gateway integrations would not behave correctly when the FEATURE_DISABLE_RESET_FLOW feature flag was enabled


Cognigy Voice Gateway

  • Disabled the environment variable VG_TTS_TRIM_SILENCE by default: .Values.featureServer.trimTts: false



Released April 16th, 2024


  • Improved user experience for creating LLMs and also enabled custom models for the LLM providers
  • Added support for text-embedding-3-large, which can be hosted on either OpenAI or Microsoft Azure. Now, you can utilize these embeddings for NLU training and scoring
  • Enhanced by redesigning the Salesforce conversation polling for better stability
  • Expanded the German localization in the product
  • Made the API version field required for Azure OpenAI when creating models
  • Improved by maintaining the connection open when the conversation disconnects for Genesys Cloud Guest Chat


  • Fixed the issue where the updated chunk metadata value was not being displayed until the page was refreshed
  • Fixed the issue by updating the regular expression to handle cases where a user enters a US Social Security Number (SSN) with more than 9 digits
  • Fixed the issue of inconsistent handover and associated problems caused by the enabled internal cache
  • Fixed the issue where users could create text intent records with empty strings
  • Fixed the issue where the Genesys Cloud Chat handover would fail, causing a service restart due to an uncontrolled exception while creating messages with an empty body

Cognigy Insights

Released April 16th, 2024


  • Fixed the issue where OData was returning numbers instead of strings in the LiveAgentEscalations collection

Cognigy Live Agent

Released April 16th, 2024


  • Added performance improvements to conversations and calculations for the Reports
  • Improved Live Agent performance in high-load scenarios by reducing WebSocket traffic


  • Fixed the issue where the Supervisor Overview Report always showed 0 conversations in the Created or Queued statuses
  • Fixed the issue that caused the account's auto-resolve setting to display an activity message for resolved conversations multiple times. This behavior occurred specifically under a high load

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released April 16th, 2024


  • Disabled the pre cache audio feature due to potential issues it may cause
  • Fixed the issue where users with the Service Provider role could create and delete resources of another Service Provider. Now, users with the Service Provider role can only create and delete resources within their own project in the Voice Gateway Self-Service Portal


Cognigy Voice Gateway

  • Changed the default value of .Values.featureServer.preCacheAudio to false

Version Compatibility Matrix

The version compatibility matrix was updated for the following Cognigy products: