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Migration guide for Redis Sentinel in Live Agent 4.53

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This migration guide is for the Live Agent 4.53 version upgrade. This release upgrades the Redis chart to use Redis Sentinel for high availability.

Perform a Standard Upgrade

The first step is to perform a standard upgrade of the Live Agent chart to the desired new version to ensure the migration job is run before enabling Redis Sentinel.

If the values were not specified previously, ensure that Sentinel mode is disabled in the values.yaml file.

# ...

  enabled: true
    enabled: false
# ...

Upgrade the chart to the latest version.

 helm upgrade cognigy-live-agent oci:// --version X.X.X --namespace live-agent -f custom-values.yaml

Change values.yaml

The new values for version 4.53 already include the new Redis Sentinel configuration. If you use a custom values.yaml file, ensure it does not override the new Redis Sentinel configuration.

# ...

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
# ...

Change the Migration Job Hooks

The migration job hooks must be temporarily changed to post-install,post-upgrade to run the migration job after the upgrade. Otherwise, the migration job will run before new Redis pods are created, resulting in a failed migration.

# migration job (uncomment if needed)
  enabled: true
      # the setting here will override the default, which is "post-install,pre-upgrade"
      hookAnnotation: "post-install,post-upgrade"

Upgrade the chart

Upgrade the chart to the latest version.

 helm upgrade cognigy-live-agent oci:// --version X.X.X --namespace live-agent -f custom-values.yaml

Verify Functionality and Pod Status

Ensure that the pods are running and the application is functioning correctly, including passing the startup health check.

kubectl get pods

Remove the Old PVCs and PVs

Remove the previous PVCs used by the Redis pods before the upgrade. They are typically named as follows:

  • redis-data-cognigy-live-agent-redis-master-0
  • redis-data-cognigy-live-agent-redis-replicas-0

To remove the previous PVCs and PVS, follow these steps:

  1. Check that PVCs' status is now Released:
    kubectl get pvc -n live-agent
  2. Delete PVCs.
    kubectl delete pvc redis-data-cognigy-live-agent-redis-master-0 -n live-agent
    kubectl delete pvc redis-data-cognigy-live-agent-redis-replicas-0 -n live-agent
  3. Check that the PVs are now Available.
    kubectl get pv
  4. Delete PVs.
    kubectl delete pv <pv_name> # replace <pv_name> with the name of the PV associated with the deleted PVCs

Remove the Migration Job Hooks after the Upgrade

Remove the migration job hooks from the values.yaml file that was added in the previous step and revert to the default value after the upgrade.

# migration job (uncomment if needed)
# migration:
#   enabled: true
#   hooks:
#     migrate:
#       hookAnnotation: "post-install,pre-upgrade"

If you have any issues, contact technical support.