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Voice Gateway Events

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During the call, the following voice events are recorded in the payload:

Event Description
ANSWERING_MACHINE_DETECTION The call was initiated and the answering machine detection process started.
CALL_COMPLETED The call was terminated by the AI Agent or by the user.
CALL_CREATED The user created a call.
CALL_FAILED The call was terminated.
CALL_RECONNECTED The call was reconnected due to network problems.
RECOGNIZED_SPEECH The user's answer was recognized by the AI Agent.
RECOGNIZED_DTMF The DTMF code was recognized by the AI Agent.
TRANSFER_DIAL_ERROR The call transfer using the Dial method failed due to various reasons, like unreachable destination or network issues.
TRANSFER_DIAL_SUCCESS The call transfer using the Dial method succeeded with the new phone line established to the destination.
TRANSFER_REFER_ERROR The call transfer using the Refer method failed, possibly due to an unavailable or rejecting destination.
TRANSFER_REFER_SUCCESS The call transfer using the Refer method succeeded, with the call responsibility passed to another destination.
USER_BUSY The user (caller) was busy and unable to answer the call or engage in the desired action.
USER_INPUT_TIMEOUT The AI Agent terminated the call because the user did not respond.
NO_ANSWER The user or recipient of the call does not answer.

You can access Voice Gateway events either in the input object or in the Output Transformer. Advanced users can use these events for special purposes like analytics.

The Output Transformer is executed after processing the flow. For example, if you receive the CALL_COMPLETED event, write some metrics in the transformer via HTTP request.

You can also utilize a Lookup Node with the Call Event Status type for reusing these events, streamlining call handling and improving efficiency.