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Upcoming Feature Removals

  • The Chatbase analytics integration will be removed in version 4.82. The Chatbase platform has not been supported since 2021.
  • The facebook-bot-messenger module within a Code Node is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.83.
  • The Any Slots feature will be removed in version 4.84. Instead, utilize the LLM Entity Extraction Node to identify Slots in the user input via LLMs.

Resolving Connection Errors in Microsoft Azure OpenAI LLMs

In recent releases, we have updated the connection settings to Azure OpenAI LLMs and added new parameters, such as the Resource Name. If you have an older connection (for example, created in the 4.53 release) to Azure OpenAI LLMs, especially Azure OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 for knowledge search features, you might encounter the following error when an LLM is triggered: Error while performing knowledge search. Remote returned error: Search failed: Could not fetch embeddings due to missing API resource name for Azure OpenAI. To resolve this issue, recreate the LLM and the connection so that both have the latest format.

Cognigy SaaS Service Health Platform

For shared SaaS installations, we provide the Cognigy SaaS Service Health platform as a public resource. This platform enables Cognigy SaaS customers to access real-time and historical data on system performance and check the status of Cognigy products. For more information about the platform benefits, read the Cognigy SaaS Service Health article.



Released August 19th, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where messages from WhatsApp failed during handover if a Text with Buttons component was included in the conversation for the Genesys Open Messaging handover provider

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released August 2nd, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the Contact headers were invalid because the transport=<protocol> part of the Contact header was not enclosed with angle brackets



Released July 30th, 2024


  • Refined the Cognigy.AI UI by switching back to the previous Sidebar menu

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released July 29th, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where an existing Use sips scheme option in the SIP Gateways settings on the Carriers page was overwritten by the database update script after the 4.80 release
  • Fixed the issue where calls made over TCP had an invalid Contact header in the 200 OK response



Released July 23rd, 2024


  • Added the Stream Buffer Flush Tokens and Stream Buffer Flush Overrides options to the Storage and Streaming in the LLM Prompt Node
  • Added the Enable input sanitization option to disable HTML text input sanitization within the Endpoint Settings
  • Removed the New badge from the Knowledge AI sidebar and Knowledge Stores page
  • Added a tooltip with the full name for long Flow names in the Flow select field
  • Fetched the trainer records from the secondary MongoDB replica, which can be disabled to read from the primary by setting the environment variable DISABLE_SECONDARY_MONGO_REPLICA_READ_TRAINER
  • Made duplicate trainer record removal configurable with the DISABLE_DUPLICATE_TRAINER_RECORD_REMOVAL environment variable. This operation, which can be performance-intensive, can now be disabled on demand
  • Redesigned the Cognigy.AI sidebar
  • Removed the Cognigy.AI Journeys API
  • Improved by preselecting the current flow in the Case Nodes of the Lookup Node
  • Changed the styles of Cancel buttons in sidebars

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the Intent description an attached Flow's Intent was missing in the NLU inference results
  • Fixed the issue where the Endpoint editor had problems with saving because of the default value of Enable Quick Replies
  • Fixed the issue where an incorrect tooltip text was shown in the Knowledge AI Settings section under Document Processing > Connection to Azure AI Document Intelligence
  • Fixed the issue where the Voice Preview feature was not working because of a missing Content Security Policy directive
  • Fixed the issue where the Cognigy logo couldn't be seen in the Create Project page
  • Fixed the issue where knowledgeSourceUrl could be set incorrectly during the Knowledge AI package import and vector database restore operations
  • Fixed the issue with the Genesys Open Messaging handover provider where messages containing structured content were incorrectly displaying as UNSUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_DATA. This issue prevented the structured content from being rendered properly in the message

Cognigy Voice Gateway

Released July 23rd, 2024


  • Improved by supporting complex refer-to and referred-by URI
  • Added new metrics to track the duration of Voice Gateway commands
  • Added the Enable User No Input Timeout option in the Set Session Config Node to enable or disable the User No Input Timeout feature

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the Contact header in the 200 OK (INVITE) response used the sips scheme instead of sip
  • Fixed the issue where the Contact header did not contain the private IP on a private CIDR
  • Fixed the issue where the Contact header in a re-INVITE request had the wrong scheme
  • Fixed the issue where users with the Service Provider role were unable to delete an account phone number
  • Fixed the issue where escape characters such as \r, \t, and \n in a text lead to invalid SSML when Azure streaming was enabled
  • Fixed the issue where using the inject API failed when the sessionId was changed through the input transformer. Before 4.81, we stored the Voice Gateway client based on the callSid. The Voice Gateway client is now stored based on the sessionId
  • Fixed the issue where no event was sent after a successful Refer transfer with the reason Gone
  • Fixed the issue where an error occurred after hangup when the ENDPOINT_VG2_TIMEOUT_FOR_AI_RESPONSES_IN_SECONDS environment variable was set
  • Fixed the issue where a timeout was triggered when a message was sent to AI Agent. In some scenarios, no answer is expected. The solution for now is to only trigger the timeout when an environment variable specifying the timeout period is set

Cognigy Webchat

Released July 23rd, 2024


  • Added the Collect Metadata option to the Webchat v3 Endpoint Settings. This option lets you gather additional metadata from user browsers


Cognigy Insights

Released July 23rd, 2024


  • Improved by renaming Additional Filters panel to More Filters
  • Improved by adding a new REST API endpoint /v2.0/error-messages which enables retrieval of error messages filtered by query parameters

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the analytics data were not inserted into MongoDB if any key in the data began with $
  • Fixed the issue where the conversation data were not inserted into MongoDB if any key in the data began with $


Cognigy.AI + Insights + AI Copilot

Rollback Instructions

In case you need to revert to version 4.80.1, run the following script since we've added a new field for the Endpoints.

  1. Establish a connection to the MongoDB instance within your cluster and execute the database script:

    kubectl exec -it -n mongodb mongodb-0 -- bash
    mongo -u $MONGODB_ROOT_USER -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin
    use service-resources;
  2. Execute the Helm Chart rollback.

Insights Schema Migration for PostgreSQL Databases

Due to an improvement to Insights OData, a schema migration is required for all customers using a PostgreSQL database. This schema migration is a one-time job that runs automatically during the upgrade to release v4.81.0. The migration job will be disabled in release v4.84.0.

Cognigy Voice Gateway

  • Updated vg-freeswitch-mrf to 0.9.1
  • Added the AZURE_SPEECH_USE_SINGLE_CONNECTION environment variable to the feature-server Deployment and StatefulSet - container freeswitch. It can be controlled via .Values.freeswitch.azureSttUseSingleConnection. The default value is true
  • Changed the freeSWITCH .Values.freeswitch.bufferSecs default value to 5 seconds

Version Compatibility Matrix

The version compatibility matrix was updated for the following Cognigy products: