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Set Translation


This Node enables the override of real-time translation settings for the ongoing session. Translation settings are defined on the Agent Settings page.

Note that translation is only supported for the output types of the AI channel in your Nodes. You cannot configure Alexa, Slack, WhatsApp, and other channels and expect translation to function.


Parameter Description
Translation Enabled Whether translation is activated in the Endpoint or not.
Can be enabled using the slide bar.
User Input Language The language of the user input.
Flow Language The language to translate to.
Don't translate Payloads Whether to preserve payloads so they aren't translated when they are returned.
Can be enabled using the slide bar.
No-Translation Marker Prevents the translation of text that the AI Agent sends to the user. By default, the text enclosed in the ** no-translation marker will not be translated. For example, if you write Willkommen, **Moin**! in a Say Node of your Flow and the detected language is English, the AI Agent will send to the user Welcome, Moin! because Moin will not be translated to Good Morning.
Set user input language on execution count If the input language is set to 'Auto-Detect', it will be fixed to its current value on this execution count.
Always remove No-translation Markers Whether we remove No-Translation Markers, even if a translation is not enabled.
Can be enabled using the slide bar.
Settings - Label: Enter a name for your choice to the Node. Adding a Label replaces the bottom text line of a Node.
- Comment: Additional information about the Node.
- Analytics step: Enter a meaningful step name used as Annotation for the Step Explorer in Insights analytics.