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The gather verb is used to collect DTMF or speech input.

  "verb": "gather",
  "actionHook": "",
  "input": ["digits", "speech"],
  "bargein": true,
  "dtmfBargein": true,
  "finishOnKey": "#",
  "numDigits": 5,
  "timeout": 8,
  "recognizer": {
    "vendor": "Google",
    "language": "en-US",
    "hints": ["sales", "support"],
    "hintsBoost": 10
  "say": {
    "text": "To speak to Sales press 1 or say Sales. To speak to customer support press 2 or say Support",
    "synthesizer": {
      "vendor": "Google",
      "language": "en-US",
      "voice": "en-US-Wavenet-F"


The full set of configuration parameters:

Parameter Description Required
actionHook A webhook POST to send the collected digits or speech. The payload includes a speech or dtmf property along with the standard attributes. Yes
bargein Enable speech barge-in, which pauses audio playback if the caller starts speaking. No
dtmfBargein Enable DTMF barge-in, which pauses audio playback if the caller enters DTMF tones. No
finishOnKey The DTMF key that signals the end of input. No
input An array specifying the allowed types of input: ['digits'], ['speech'], or ['digits', 'speech']. The default value is ['digits']. No
interDigitTimeout The amount of time to wait between digits after minDigits have been entered. No
listenDuringPrompt If this parameter is false, the system will not listen for user speech until the say or play verbs has completed. The default value is true. No
minBargeinWordCount If bargein is true, only halt speech when this many words are spoken. The default value is 1. No
minDigits The minimum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. The default value is 1. No
maxDigits The maximum number of DTMF digits expected to gather. No
numDigits The exact number of DTMF digits expected to gather. No
partialResultHook A webhook POST to send interim transcription results to. Partial transcriptions are only generated if this property is set. No
play A nested play verb that can be used to prompt the user. No
recognizer Speech recognition options. No


When speech input is used, the actionHook payload will contain a speech object with the response from the speech provider, such as Google Speech.

"speech": {
            "stability": 0,
            "is_final": true,
            "alternatives": [{
                "confidence": 0.858155,
                "transcript": "sales please"

In the case of digits input, the payload includes a digits property indicating the DTMF keys pressed:

"digits": "0276"

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