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If you are a new user of AI Copilot and are starting to use it from Cognigy version 4.65, you don't need this installation guide. From 4.65 onwards, AI Copilot is included with the Cognigy.AI installation.

Before installing and running AI Copilot, you need to have Cognigy.AI installed and a dedicated agent-assist namespace created in your Kubernetes cluster. Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes, is also required to streamline the deployment of the necessary resources.

Replication and Resource Allocation

The default number of replicas is set to 3 in order to maintain high availability standards. The AI Copilot pods are stateless, allowing you to scale them up or down based on demand. The agent-assist-backend pod bears the brunt of the workload and should be the primary candidate for scaling to accommodate an increase in concurrent users.


For detailed MongoDB setup and configuration, refer to the Cognigy.AI Installation Prerequisites guide.


Redis is used to store WebSocket subscriptions and cached AI Copilot session parameters, so its storage requirements are minimal. You can start with a 1GB allocation and scale up as necessary.